Kingdom Radio®

January Newsletter

Dear Loved Ones,

As we step into a new year be ready for what’s ahead and let’s make sure Jesus the Commander of the Army is leading the way. This month will be the beginning of a battle of good vs evil and hopefully a national transformation going from ungodliness and massive corruption and evil to righteousness and goodness and  peace being restored ... it starts with us the body of Christ

King Asa and afterwards his son King Jehoshaphat faced similar challenges in removing strongholds which had gripped the nation of Israel ... read about it in 2nd Chronicles 17 and 1Kings 22.

When we see what happened in New Orleans and Las Vegas and we know that unless the high places of evil and the mindset of destruction and death are taken down and the open gates are closed the enemy will win. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy…but I came that you may have life and have it more.

Corinthians 10.4 says ... For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but might in God for pulling down strongholds. You know the strongholds we face in 2025 now let’s pray for our new leaders that they will be mighty men of valor and fight the good fight.

Let’s believe for them to be united in their thinking because a “house” divided cannot stand. He is for us!

Kingdom FM remains solidly committed to preserve the word of truth going forward …please help us today to get off to a good start … we’re listener support and January always is a challenge.

Start 2025 off right…honoring God’s word.
Art Ramos

Late December Newsletter

Dear Loved Ones,

As we reflect back on this past year let us do so knowing that goodness and mercy have followed us all the way.

We would like to thank all of you who have done more than just consume the radio teaching programs but have given financial support and 'paid it forward' to keep bible teachings on the air.

As you know we are not part of any university or college or large church or major broadcasting entity that would underwrite an operation like this, but rather a locally owned and operated listener supported, budget minded, thriving local ministry committed to one thing...."changing our community from the inside out".

Having this distinction and broadcasting in our 20th year enables us to make decisions to best help our community first ...then going out into the whole world.  Kingdom FM is unique in this way....all ministry decisions are made here in SWFL and the buck stops here.. allowing us the privilege to help as many as possible local low budget para-church ministries succeed in their endeavors in our community by giving them free promotional airtime.

Loved Ones, donations are critical to us... your year end gift of support for this local non profit ministry is vital  ...... all year end gifts are tax deductible and have eternal value to the recipients.

Please help us Kingdom FM finish strong in 2024 by giving to us, one of the best managed local ministries in SWFL that crosses all denominational lines and that with Jesus all things are possible.

With sincere appreciation and grace.
Lovingly, Art Ramos

December Newsletter

December 2024

Dear Loved Ones,

Rejoice and again I say rejoice ... yes after the election and Thanksgiving we can say again … The Best is Yet to Come!”

Prayer does change things and sometimes the Lord relents when he hears the cries of his people. If what you prayed for in the election happened then don’t be ashamed to show it … there is strength in numbers and now its time to get to work … revival is about to break out in America and who knows where else.

Kingdom FM is looking to finish strong with your help in December. Our station here 91.5 Kingdom FM has been a beacon to our community for now over 20 years. Locally owned and operated and listener supported we depend on your financial support to keep broadcasting the good news of Jesus every day.

Our other station Kingdom FM 102.1 Kathmandu, Nepal which we completely built out is breaking up the fallow ground of Hinduism and preaching the good news there 24 hrs a day.

December is the month of giving and the Lord loves us to be generous. If  Kingdom FM has been a blessing to you during the year send in a gift now and we’ll keep giving to you as well!

Merry Christmas!
Art Ramos and Staff

October Newsletter

Dear Loved Ones,

We have reached the time in our lives when we must decide what we want. Do we want a king or do we want Jesus. That’s what the nation of Israel was forced to choose when they ask for a King … they got King Saul and look at how that worked out for them. America is at that point … if we do nothing and be lethargic and don’t vote a king will be appointed for us.

Do you choose life or death (abortion) … God says choose life.

God made Israel and America to be exceptional … if we let it become like all the other nations, we’ll only get what other nations get … globalism. What do you want? Then you know what you have to do. Let’s make sure and show up to vote … early voting is available now! Ask your neighbor if they need a ride to go vote … talk about the issues … be proud to be an American and do the God-given right, you were granted.

Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. Proverbs 28.2 says, … Because of the transgressions of the land, many are its princes. But by a man of understanding and knowledge, right will be prolonged.

Last chance, America!

Art Ramos

August Newsletter

July/August 2024

Dear Loved Ones,

Our nation is in deep turmoil and very vulnerable.

When a nation sins against God as ours has … history shows sooner

or later some sort of painful correction will need to be made.

The Lord is good though and sometimes we have to go through the

fire but he promises we won’t be burned if we stay in faith and

don’t shrink back or quit. Several times in the word he talks about

‘relenting’ from doing harm ... Jeremiah, Jonah, Joel all refer to

this. There is a catch though a major catch…we must do our part.

Two things are required. First, we must everyday ask the Lord for

His mercy and protection. He says it like this in 2chronicles 7.14.

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves

and PRAY, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways,

then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

He is not asking the world to pray but us … the body of Christ

he is giving us an opportunity to give him a good reason

why he should relent … here is our chance for goodness to prevail!

The second part for us is to VOTE this coming election. You

decide who is good and who is evil…you make your decision

but please this is a big deal with God when some 40 million

Christians do not exercise their God-given right to vote. Yes, that is

an accurate number! Christians have been known to be lethargic in

voting and look what has happened. Plan on doing your part this

November and vote and make sure your neighbors are going to

vote, your friends, and co-workers, and if they say they are not

look at them very shocked and give them the reasons I just gave

you lovingly. There is strength in numbers in Jesus’ name!  


June + July Newsletter

June/July 2024

Dear Loved Ones of the King,

Thank you to all who helped send bibles around the world this past month with our international ministry friends Bible League Int’l.

As we move into the slower summer months here in SWFL, stay close to our Savior Jesus … He is loving, merciful, full of compassion, and wants to bless us. His mercies are new every morning and he promises that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives.

Opportunities abound to serve him in many different ways..ask the Lord what he would have you do to be part of the eternal plan ... I’m sure he is waiting to answer that.

Kingdom FM 91.5 and our new station Kingdom FM 102.1 Kathmandu Nepal are standing strong in these last days to bless and teach as many as we can about the love of Jesus and his amazing grace … will you not help us?

We need your financial support as we move forward ... please give to what gives to you and lets show the world the love we have for them. You can go online and give there or mail in a check of support. Either way, thank you and may God protect us in these times we live.

Very Sincerely,
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

April Newsletter

April 2024

Dear Loving Friends,

As the eclipse passes by and no one acknowledges who created the sun and moon and earth so it “could pass by” … the ‘world’ would rather give ‘mother earth’ the credit for such a cosmic event.

It is our responsibility to point ‘the world’ in the right direction.

Proverbs says….deliver those who are drawn towards death...hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.

Two weeks ago the great act of love was shown to the world as our Loving Savior Jesus died but then rose again to life to prove there is a hereafter…yet the trans group tried to make a mockery out of it. “Hold back those being led to the slaughter”.

Loved Ones….it is our responsibility to our Savior to go into all the world and tell them what they lovingly need to hear. That God ‘so loved the world’ that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The ‘world’ could be your neighbors, friends, co-workers, golf buddies, etc … ask the Lord to help you tell them about Jesus…he will give you an opportunity!

May 2 is the national day of prayer … another opportunity!

Let's keep the truth going strong on the airwaves as well…please send in a gift of financial support today if you are able or go online to Kingdom.FM and let’s keep the message going strong!

With Sincere Appreciation,
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

March Newsletter

March 2024


MARCH 2004  thru  MARCH 2024


Romans 10.17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. This is exactly what we have providing day in and day out edifying you, exhorting you, strengthening you … to do more every day and lead a life that is pleasing to Jesus our Loving Savior.

Won’t you help us celebrate! Help us keep it going into the future … please send in a generous check today or go online and “give to what gives to you”.

With sincere appreciation,
Art Ramos

February Newsletter

February 2024

Dear Beloved,

Happy Valentine’s Day! St Valentine was a priest famous for performing weddings in Rome at a time when the government had made it illegal via a decree from the Emperor Claudius of Rome.

Like Paul in the New Testament, he stood strong and was put in jail for defying a law against a God-given right. He befriended a jailer like Paul and ended up helping his blind daughter. Claudius came to visit him and told him he could set him free if he would renounce his faith. Just like today give up something important and you can be free, no thank you the truth has already set me free and the life that I live is to honor my Savior Jesus Christ.

Friends…this life is fading away quickly, be sure to have your heart ready to go at any time full of love and expect Jesus’ return. He said as in the days of Noah the world will be …corrupt and full of violence. St Valentine died a martyr’s death for standing firm for Jesus and encouraged many young people at the time to do the same. He wrote notes of love and encouragement and became famous for it and gave it all so that this month we could enjoy a day to honor him by showing that affectionate love. Don’t pass up your opportunity to do just that.

We at 91.5 Kingdom FM appreciate all you do to keep the ministry going. Your ‘Love Gift” this month will be very much appreciated in taking this ‘Loving Gospel” all over SWFL and beyond.

With Sincere Love,
Art Ramos

January Newsletter

January 2024

Dear Beloved Ones,

Blessed be the name of the Lord and Happy New Year!

As we enter in 2024 remember that 'The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their cry. If you had some things no go your way in 23 let it go, let yesterday be forgotten and press on and know God's timing in matters is usually different from ours. Who is the man/woman who desires life and to see many good days? Let him keep his tongue from evil and speaking deceit. Do your best every day to give life away to others especially the ones you care about the most. Check yourself to know your heart is pure and compassionate then "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him".

Remember God's plan for your life is for good. Hope does not disappoint and when we cast all our cares on Him and lean not on our own understanding…somehow He makes a way where there seems to be none.

The scripture says "I would have lost heart if I had not believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living". Psalm 27:13

The new year will be exciting, God has great plans, call on Him and He will show you!  Ask Him to reveal Himself to you personally in a very special way in 2024 and He will do it. It's all about fellowship with the Father, He is the Vine and we are the branches, stay connected and watch how surely goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life.

Loved Ones…we need your help this month with major music royalty fees and things behind the scenes that keep Kingdom FM on the air. If we are still a blessing to you…start off 2024 by sending us your best gift forward.

Let's keep the word going out in 2024. Make a commitment to pay it forward then let the teaching programs we air bless you exceedingly!

Write a check today or go online to Kingdom.FM and give a tax-deductible gift there!  Start your year off right…honoring our Savior Jesus!

With Sincere Appreciation……Art Ramos Pres/CEO

December Newsletter

Late Dec 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

 As we reflect back on the year let us look forward as well to the good things he has done for us. Like the song says…” count your blessings one by one”. He crowns the year with his goodness.

At Kingdom FM this year we accomplished a lot of things for his glory. We bought and completely built out an international radio station !  Yes, we did, and it is on the air now in Kathmandu Nepal…Kingdom FM 102.1. We rented the office space, installed the tower, purchased the equipment and the employees are on our payroll. We’re going to the world to preach the gospel!

Those of you who know me by now know that when we do events we never charge a dime or ever take an offering. In March we rented the Mercato Naples Silver Spot theaters and showed the Jesus Revolution movie to a large crowd of very happy people that came and a very enjoyable evening was had. In October we did the same thing at Gulf Coast Town Center where we showed the blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom, both for free to all.

Last month along with 423 Praise we did our 2nd annual concert event “Praise in the Park” of which about 750 of you attended along with 200 kids playing in the bounce house and slide… it was a spectacular event…all completely put on for you to enjoy for free…. from us 91.5 Kingdom FM!

 Friends…this is the time of year when every ministry is asking for your financial help including us. We have shown over the years that your financial support has benefitted our community and besides airing daily bible teaching programs with many local pastors and national pastors we continue to be a trusted source to place your financial support SWFL.

As we are now going into our 20th year of broadcasting…I am asking you now to support us, a “locally owned and operated” ministry where you know resources are well spent.

 Make your best gift to us 91.5 Kingdom FM! Keep the money in circulation right here in SWFL and see the difference!

Please send a generous check in today or go online Kingdom.FM and donate there…many of you already have and thank you very much to all of you who do more than just consume the programs but actually generously support the ministry…thank you and let's keep it moving forward in 2024 for Jesus!

Happy New Year!
Sincerely…Art Ramos Pres/CEO

December Newsletter

December 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

Blessed is the man (or woman) who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in it he mediates day and night. Yes…that is the heart of the matter for the believer who lives a fulfilling life of love and servanthood…it is so sweet to your spirit.

Last weekend we hosted our 2nd Praise in the Park free concert event along with 423 Praise and it was beyond belief! The Lord made it a great evening of praise and worship. The crowd for the event was about 750 with 200 kids also enjoying the bounce house and slide. We would like to thank the Destiny Church Worship team, the Hope City Worship team, the Lewis Family, and 423 Praise for the absolutely phenomenal praise and worship music leading the crowd to the throne room of Heaven! Thank you also to Daniel Israel for his great unicycle salvation presentation and a big thank you to the sound and lighting team of Tech-Tronics for their fabulous work!

Oh…did I mention that 18 souls came to know Jesus because of the Godmobile! Check out some pictures on our Facebook page … search for Kingdom FM Radio. To God be all the glory!

Tis the Christmas season now when our Loving Savior Jesus came to earth to show us the way…lean into him now and let’s thank him for his indescribable gift of love he gave to us and the promise of everlasting life.

Merry Christmas from all of us at Kingdom FM.
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

November Newsletter

November 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

Every word of God is pure...He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps!

Our community is a better place because God's word is being broadcast every day. As our nation becomes more divided let us continue to be united Jesus...and pray and ask the Lord to please heal our land so that all of us can be effective in these last days. Keeping the word on the airwaves is vital because it inspires, is profitable for doctrine, reproofs, corrects, and instructs in righteousness that you the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. We need your support for this locally owned and operated listener-supported radio ministry.

Kingdom FM's free movie presentation last month of the blockbuster film "Sound of Freedom" at Gulf Coast Town Center Regal Theater was a huge success... nearly 400 people came...PTL!

Please join us Saturday Thanksgiving wknd Nov 25 for our 2nd annual Praise in the Park event! We're expecting a large crowd to join in prayer and praise for our nation and the world. Yes, it's all FREE from us 91.5 Kingdom FM and 423 Praise. Bring your friends and neighbors all are invited to a beautiful outdoor setting at Riverside Park in Bonita!

Listen on 91.5 for more details!

Proverbs 27:18 says ...he who keeps the fig tree will eat of its fruit and he who waits on his master will be honored. I would ask that of you...that you would faithfully support us (keep the fig tree) now in these tumultuous times and help us continue strongly!

Sincerely in Jesus' name with Thanksgiving,
Art Ramos

October Newsletter

October 2023

Dear Kingdom Listeners,

I personally want to invite you to our free showing of the blockbuster movie "Sound of Freedom." No tickets are required!

Yes, a one-night-only free presentation of this gripping true story of heroism and a powerful depiction of the underworld of child trafficking. The main character played by now-famous actor Jim Caviezel shows how much value God places on children. The movie has a great ending and he's willing to do to rescue as many as possible and not let the enemy win. Inspiring!

Let's show SWFL and Hollywood how much we value these types of movies. Come to our free airing ... you're personally invited! Wednesday night Oct 4 at the Regal Theaters in Gulf Coast Town Center. Doors open at 6 pm movie starts at 7 pm ... get there early for a good seat! I'll be hosting the event and our goal is to make it a night to remember. Bring your family/ friends and use it for an opportunity to share the love ... compliments of us 91.5 Kingdom FM.

Jesus said ... "Let the little children come unto me" ... God's children are not for sale!

With Sincere Love,
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

September Newsletter

September 2023

Dear Summer Listeners,

My peace, I give to you … My peace I leave with you ... not as the world gives do I give, let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. John 14:27. When you know the word and abide in Him you are safe under the shadows of the wings of the Almighty and can rest in His peace.

Jesus said, “Be anxious for nothing but through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds.” Peace!

Has the recent news in our country caused you fear?  Remember the acronym for fear, F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real.

Our country needs a Savior now more than ever and who knows how it's going to go but one thing is for sure our Heavenly Father has it all under His control and He knows those who are His.

Here’s the proof. Revelation 3:10 Because you have kept My word to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth.

Friends, be ready Jesus could come at any time. Stay grounded in the word and store your treasures in Heaven by staying supportive of what feeds you the word of truth… Kingdom FM! Summer is financially very slow so if you can tuck a little extra in this month, we would certainly appreciate it.

Thank you very much and Peace!
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

August Newsletter

August 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

As we continue to press toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus... let us then continue to run the race with all diligence. What is the race? Pressing through these difficult times with joy and peace in our hearts knowing our Father in Heaven is in total control.

He says "Listen for I will speak of excellent things and from the opening of My mouth will come right things. The world shouts fear. The Lord says to be prepared for what may come but in the quiet inner strength of the Holy Spirit. I wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge and discretion. Blessed is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at My gates waiting at my doorposts.

Quiet time is essential now more than ever to listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying......Jesus said... However, when He the Spirit has come He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak of His own authority but whatever He hears He will speak; He will tell you things to come. It’s always in the still small voice.

This is our reassurance...meditate on His words and listen carefully for His secure guidance... He wants you to have it. Stay connected to us at 91.5 Kingdom FM as the Spirit speaks through ministry... we'll do our best to bring it to you daily!

Your financial support is vital now ...please if you are able to give by check or go online now and make a gift, let’s stay strong together!

With Lovingkindness,
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

July Newsletter

July 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

Our nation the United States of America ...we are experiencing times like most of us have never seen in our lives. The Lord warned us in 2 Timothy...But know the last days, perilous times will come. This is the time when love must rein in our lives every day. Romans 4:19 says. Therefore, let us pursue the things which make for peace, and which one may edify another. What are some of those things? Strength, Fearlessness, Love, Righteousness, Empathy, and the desire to not let our great country go down.

This being said let us be even more diligent to make our calling and election sure, for if you do these things, you will never stumble. With the 4th of July coming let us be reminded and hold fast to the truth that all men are created equal and endowed by our Creator and are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s called freedom, not totalitarianism.

"These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and don’t be afraid to speak up against any “entity or small sinful group” that wants us to cave to their lifestyle. Let’s don’t be like the Los Angeles Dodgers who just caved to depravity.

Freedom reigns and it was ‘fought for” and the Lord is looking for warriors that favor his righteous cause… let us stand strong together as there is strength in numbers. Please help us keep the word going out over the airwaves as well as this is the ‘air force’ that Jesus uses to fight the battle in the spirit. Not backing down from anyone!

Happy 4th of July!
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

June Newsletter

June 2023

Dear Friends,

This is an important time in our nation and the world. Deals are being cut for world dominance and control. A wise man scales the city and brings down the trusted stronghold. Things are happening in the spirit world that we cannot see…. evil things. How then do you overcome evil but with good. Fight in the spirit!

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. He makes everything beautiful in its time. For God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight. They that wait upon the Lord (serving Him daily) shall renew their strength ...they shall mount up with wings like eagles...they shall run and not be weary they walk and not faint.

The Lord is always looking for faithful servants so that He can pour out His blessings on those who honor Him daily. The eyes of the Lord go to and fro searching the whole earth for those whose hearts are loyal to Him.

Let's keep His word going out over the airwaves as it honors Him! We win in the end so let us not lose heart! Summer is here... let us join our hearts to make a commitment that we will "serve" the Lord with gladness in this special way. Your financial gifts are tax deductible and very much appreciated.

Art Ramos Pres/CEO

May Newsletter

May 2023

Dear Kingdom FM Family,

As we just passed through the National Day of Prayer last week lets us hold fast to our confession of hope without wavering, He who promised is faithful. In a world where evil is called good and good evil it is essential that we keep praying and believing that our God is mighty to save and can move mountains and change hearts.

Let us remember to pray for our government leaders and decision makers that are elected to protect us.  During this time of degradation and turmoil our only hope is our Loving Savior’s response. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

Remember Abraham when he negotiated with the Lord over Sodom and Gomorrah….Lord would you save the city for 50…for 45 and finally would you save it for 10?  Yes he said…but instead he did it his way and took them out! That should be our fervent prayer this month of May. Have thine own way Lord.

Thank you to all of you who faithfully support this radio ministry with your financial gifts regularly or whenever possible. Being listener supported and a not for profit ministry is just that. Summer is here and we would appreciate your financial support to help us keep the teaching programs coming.Many hands make a light load.

Art Ramos,

April Newsletter

April 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

Two weeks ago we saw the cheers of the crowd and Jesus riding triumphantly on a donkey into Jerusalem being crowned as the King. It was only five days later some of these same cheering ones were in another crowd screaming crucify him. What changed?

What changed was the expectation and what seems one way but in reality it’s something completely different. When you think about it and remember that the Lord had told them that if they destroy this temple that in three days he would raise it again and saying to them again and again that his Kingdom was not of this world and that the Christ would have to suffer greatly. They missed it completely until afterwards when their eyes of understanding were opened and they were enlightened.

Sometimes in life if you live long enough… we all have to go through something that defines us. It is at this defining time when maturity prevails in the life of the believer. Salvation is a free gift but becoming a son or daughter will cost you. He promised us when we go through the fire He would be with us and will not let the water overflow us. There is something about going through trials in life that make us who we are. Peter talked about rejoicing in our eternal reward but being grieved by various trials so that the genuineness of your faith being tested by fire may be found to praise honor and glorify our Lord Jesus. 1Peter1.6

Nevertheless Lord….not my will but your will be done.

You are holy Lord … no one is holy but You.

With Sincere Love,
Art Ramos - Pres/CEO

March Newsletter

March 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

The book of Hebrews says…. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful. What is the specific hope that you have been asking the Lord to do in your life that has not come to fruition yet? Don’t give up because he who promised is faithful and it will surely pass if it is his desired will for your life.

That is key that you have to ask yourself and the Lord…is this specific request your will Lord? Psalm 24 says…Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart... shall receive blessings from the Lord.

You see it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom but he knows what is best for us and through submission to him, we find out what his specific plan for each of our lives is. There will always be a struggle and only Jesus our Loving Savior can guide you through it…look to him not man for your answer and he will promote and guide you to the expected end if you don’t quit.

“I know the plans I have for you…plans of peace to give you a future and a hope. Romans 12 says….be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may “know” or prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Stay in the word, pray always, value others, remain diligent, do not fear, and always believe all will be well.

If you would value us this month financially... that would be great!

With Sincere Appreciation,
Art Ramos Pres/CEO

January Newsletter

January 2023

Dear Loved Ones,

As we enter into 2023 let us remember what the Lord says ... I know the plans I have for you says the Lord ... plans of peace not of evil to give you a future and a hope.

Let’s believe and live every day that good will come to us and by giving it away to others it always comes back to you ... good measure pressed down and shaken together.

We're planning out some things now for the year … small ministries we want to help, a free concert or two, some international radio opportunities, and being open to what doors the Lord opens.

What are your plans for 2023? Are you reaching out and stretching farther for Jesus? If I can help you in any way ... possibly provide some free advertising for you or if you would just like to run your idea by me … I would be glad to help. Call me anytime I would love to hear what you are planning on doing in our community. I love what the word says ... two are better than one because they have a sure reward!

If you can help us this month financially that would be great ... we have some significant royalty fees to pay and your financial support with that would be much appreciated. Let's move forward and watch the Lord crown the year with His goodness for us!

Very Sincerely,
Art Ramos
